Occhipinti Consultora Grafológica

30 Aug 2010


On August 5, 2010 a group of 33 miners were buried 700 m . refuge underground in the San Jose mine in Copiapo City , Province of Atacama in Chile.
Immediately begin preparations for the rescue with the preparation of a tunnel through which a capsule at NASA Tailored to upload them to the surface slip.

While it is prepared, on August 22 sent a message to the surface that says "We are well in the refuge, the 33 ."

Before the rescue, with a probe they sent food and other enceres health and personal hygiene. After 70 days of work in the area, the 13th of October at 00:14 pm. Chile began to be released from Hell who lived in the depths.

Before proceeding to the analysis of the body of writing of José Ojeda Vidal 46, I remind readers that the environment in which it was made ​​was not optimal for low light , graphics support member and the ink writing red used .

GRAFOPSICOLOGICOS ISSUES : At the time of writing the following graphical indicators are observed :

Average distance between letters, words and lines
Predominantly curved movements
Organized and clear division
normal margins
rating maintained
Large body size chart
A word gladioladas and other growing
Voltage firm
Pressure with normal depth
Vertical Tilt
Continuity detached (to use script , except one where bond for using italics)
Vertical and closed ovals without flattening
Bar "t" straight , normally positioned slightly upward
Jamba of " g" extensive and close
Capital Letter "M " with two hampas
Number 3 with slightly inflated bottom
From the observed results :

Clarity of ideas and ability to convey accurate and detailed concepts. Good powers of understanding. There prudence and caution in their communication , establishing a good summary . Is coordination between thought and action .
The reality surrounding the lives with hope and optimism. His enthusiasm lapsed at times, but rises again . There are control emotional impulses .
It shows good physical condition, with vitality.
Confidence and desire to excel . Willingness to complete the action initiated to achieve the goal.
Normal sexuality , when repressed , erotic thoughts prevents type .
Concern resolve situations of economic order.

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